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The most recent Hodgson Media activity is the creation and distribution of feature stories. Utilizing Gary’s writing skills and Sue’s photography, this has been a very pleasant development for both. It began when a magazine who carried the Under The Wire column asked Gary to write a longer article on a specific topic. “Send us a few pictures, too” they added. While Gary wrote, Sue snapped shots relative to the story. Not only did the publication love the story but the Hodgson’s found they had a great time doing it! Not wanting to wait until asked again, they began to seek out human interest stories they liked. Again while Gary writes, Sue shoots. The results have met with instant success. Regional and National magazines have quickly grabbed up each piece as soon as they are available. Some stories are purchased before they are even complete! Following are excerpts from two feature stories. If your publication would like to purchase a feature story or have the ‘dynamic duo’ create a specific story,and for information on publications currently featuring one of their stories, go to Contact.