Sue Hodgson -sue.jpg

Born and raised on a farm in southeastern Kansas, which her father continues to operate, Sue began her career working in print, radio and television, specializing in marketing and advertising.  Her resourcefulness led to the development of Livestock News Network. From there new adventures began including photography which contributes to the company’s latest expansion into feature story creation and distribution. While balancing duties as business manager, editor and creative designer Sue has photographs featured in several regional and national magazines. She still clings to her rural roots on the family’s Excalibur Ranch near Brush, Colorado.

Gary Hodgson - Gary pic

A fourth generation Coloradoan, Gary’s family has been involved in farming and ranching since the early nineteen hundreds. After graduating from Colorado State University, he taught vocational agriculture for several years finding special enjoyment when providing leadership and public speaking training for FFA Chapters. The lure of the cattle business drew him back into the livestock auction business as he continued his ranching operation. These interests come through as the radio voice of Livestock News Network and in his popular humor column “Under The Wire”. Recently Gary and Sue combined their joint talents to begin creating and distributing feature stories for publications across the United States.